Our Complaints and Grievance Procedure will take effect if Revolution Radio is successful in our application for a Community Radio licence to serve Northampton.
If you have a complaint about any aspect of Revolution Radio's output or activity, we have put in place a Complaints and Grievance Procedure to deal with your complaint.
Please note that Revolution Radio is owned and operated by Revolution Radio Limited.
Revolution Radio's on-air output is licensed and regulated by the broadcast regulator OFCOM and we are under an obligation not to broadcast material which is unfair, harmful or likely to cause offence. OFCOM regulates this principally by acting upon complaints received from listeners.
Please note that OFCOM does not regulate any activity online or on social media.
If you hear something on air you think is wrong, please contact us in the first instance. We’d like to help put things right.
You can contact our Managing Director, Chris Gregg to discuss anything you have heard on air. Please email chris@revolutionradio.com and your complaint will be fully investigated with a written reply within 14 days.
You can also write to us at:
Revolution Radio Ltd
4 Abington Street
If we are unable to resolve the issue to your satisfaction, you can make a formal complaint to Ofcom by contacting them and including our initial response to your complaint.
Ofcom Contact Centre
Riverside House
2a Southwark Bridge Road
You can also call Ofcom on 0845 456 3000 (local rate) or email contact@ofcom.org.uk
6:00pm - 10:00pm
The best local new and unsigned music with Lonely Gimmick and Beth Duggan
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High: 11°C | Low: -1°C
Sunny intervals
High: 11°C | Low: -1°C
High: 10°C | Low: -1°C
Bringing Northampton Together
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