On Tuesday, 7 May, West Northamptonshire Council (WNC) cabinet will consider proposed changes to the Home to School Transport services for Post 16 students across West Northamptonshire which has been shaped using feedback from residents and key stakeholders following the public consultation which took place this winter.
Formal public consultation on the proposed changes to the policy commenced on 1 February 2024 and closed at midnight on Sunday 7 April 2024. There were 785 online responses to the questionnaire through the council’s consultation platform.
The changes being proposed are to help meet the increased demand and operating costs the service has experienced over the last two years, whilst at the same time attempting to create a fairer system and exploring opportunities to give greater flexibility for parents, support our young people’s independence and help to promote sustainable travel. The proposals will also help maintain consistency with the Council’s Home to School Transport Policy for children of statutory school age.
The proposals include:
- Increase the Cost of a Post 16 Bus Pass
- Increase use of personal travel budgets
- Personal Travel Budget for Sole Transport
- Young Adults with an Education Health and Care Plan Undertaking Apprenticeships
- Redefine transport start and finish times in line with education providers.
“We want to make sure that we are providing the best and most cost-effective service for residents and one which is fair and efficient for all who use it.Cllr Phil Larratt, Cabinet Member for Environment, Transport, Highways and Waste
“We have considered the views of parents, carers, and young people following feedback from the consultation and are putting forward recommendations which seek to ensure the service continues to meet the needs of our community.”
The outcomes of the cabinet meeting will be shared on the Council’s website. Click here to view the agenda and cabinet papers.