Communities across West Northamptonshire will be joining the nation to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings this June.
D-Day was the successful allied invasion of the beaches of Normandy on 6 June 1944. Codenamed Operation Neptune, the Normandy landings made up the largest seaborne invasion in history and played a crucial role in liberating Western Europe from Nazi occupation.
From Beacon lightings and historical exhibitions to village parties and picnics, there are a range of events happening across West Northamptonshire to mark the occasion. Find your nearest event on our D-Day events page
West Northamptonshire Council (WNC) will be flying the official D-Day ‘Flag of Peace’ at each of its office buildings in Daventry and Towcester.
A short flag raising event will also be held outside Sessions House in Northampton at 9am on Thursday 6 June, with members of the public invited to attend to show their respects.
The Council’s One Angel Square offices in Northampton will also be lit up as part of the national Beacon lighting ceremony on 6 June.
Northampton Museum and Art Gallery will be creating a commemorative exhibition in libraries at Brackley, Daventry, Towcester and Weston Favell, with each library hosting exhibition cabinets filled with Northamptonshire stories, objects and memories of D-Day and its immediate aftermath.
The project wants to connect with local people and their family stories of D-Day. If you or anyone you know has a D-Day story or memorabilia, please email Northampton Museums & Art Gallery or find out more on the museum website .
“We’re inviting residents from across West Northamptonshire to join in the celebrations and pay tribute to those who bravely fought for our freedom and lost their lives as a result.Councillor Adam Brown, Deputy Leader of WNC and Cabinet Member for Housing, Culture and Leisure
“Northamptonshire played a significant role in the Second World War with the Yeomanry serving in the two tank regiments: the 1st and 2nd Northamptonshire Yeomanry Regiments. They landed in France shortly after D Day and fought in the Normandy campaign Operation Overlord.
“I encourage everyone to get involved in the many events taking place across the area as we mark this significant anniversary and if you have a story to share, please do get in touch with our museum service.”
If you would like to find out more about planning a D-Day 80 event, the King’s Pageantmaster Bruno Peek has produced this downloadable guide to planning a D-Day event, which covers beacon lightings, church bell ringing and the Lamp Light of Peace.
Communities considering to close a road to celebrate D-Day may need to apply for a temporary road closure. Groups planning larger parties are also urged to let the Council know about the event to check issues such as licensing, safety and traffic management.
Additionally, anyone hosting an event or activity to celebrate D-Day can share their plans with communications@westnorthants.gov.uk to be included on our D-Day events page.