Every year West Northamptonshire Council plans for the money it will have available and how it should spend it in line with the priority objectives set out in its Corporate Plan.
At a meeting held on 20 December, West Northamptonshire Council’s Cabinet approved for consultation its draft budget for 2023-24 and launched a six-week consultation seeking people’s views on a series of savings proposals to address a significant funding gap, whilst still protecting essential services.
The public consultation runs until midnight on Tuesday 31 January 2023 and the council wants your feedback on the proposals, and for you to encourage your friends and family to also have their say.
The Council successfully delivered a balanced budget for its first year of operation within 2021/22 and set a balanced budget for the current year (2022/23).
However, like all councils up and down the country, there have been a number of unprecedented financial issues throughout this financial year which have significantly increased the cost-of-service delivery.
The main financial issues include:
- inflationary and cost of living pressures impacting directly on the cost of providing services
- ongoing financial impact of COVID allied with the withdrawal of significant COVID funds previously received
- continued additional demand led and inflationary pressures within the Children’s Trust
- continued additional demand led pressures within the Adult Social Care
- additional operator costs in providing school transport for children
- cost of living pay award expected to be significantly greater than the amount included at the time of setting the budget based on the latest national pay award offer made by the employers’ organisation
You can take part in the consultation by completing the online survey..
If you have any queries, comments or would like a copy of this questionnaire in another format (including easy read or large print) you can contact us by email, post, or telephone.
The Counci's contact details are: Email address: haveyoursay@westnorthants.gov.uk Telephone: 0300 126 7000
Postal address: Budget Consultation Response, West Northamptonshire Council, The Guildhall, St Giles Street, Northampton, NN1 1DE.
Comments will be considered, and the final budget report will be brought back before Cabinet on 13 February prior to final approval at Full Council on 22 February 2023.
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