More than 3.5 tonnes of litter (which is the equivalent of seven adult camels) was collected from the verges of fast roads in Northampton throughout May.
Litter pickers from West Northamptonshire Council and it’s recycling and waste services partner, Veolia took to the verges to collect items which had been strewn on the roadside carelessly and illegally.
Over the course of four weeks, working while essential works were already being carried out in these areas to avoid disruption to road users, the team collected an impressive 3.5 tonnes of waste. This will now be disposed of responsibly and will no longer be causing a negative impact on the environment.
The litter picks took place at Lumbertubs Way, Bedford Road, Weedon Road, Mereway, Danes Camp Way, Upton Way, Oxford Road, Bants Lane, Rushmere Road, Talavera Way and Wellingborough Road.
It is disappointing that some people show such little regard for the environment and their local community that they drop litter wherever they like.Cllr Phil Larratt, Cabinet Member for Climate, Transport, Highways and Waste at West Northamptonshire Council
We’re committed to tackling this issue, and it is always heartening to see the great work of our partners, officers and volunteers who work so hard to keep their communities clean and green. We want to do all we can to support their excellent work, as well as encourage and assist other groups to join them. By working together, we send a strong message to offenders that their actions are not acceptable and will not be tolerated.
If you would like support to hold litter pick in your community, please get in touch with us to find out more about borrowing free litter picking equipment.
People can report fly-tipping and littering on our website, along with details of any information which can help to pinpoint the offenders.
To find out more see cleaner communities.