Local employers made up nearly 40 percent of the firms who were successfully awarded a part of Northamptonshire’s £36 million council procurement framework
The framework was put together by the West Northamptonshire Council (WNC) Assets and Environment and Procurement teams but also allows the 21 suppliers awarded under the framework to carry out work for North Northants Council and Northampton Partnership Homes.
38 per cent of those businesses are local small or medium sized enterprises.
The framework includes architectural work, building surveying, project management, clerk of works and structural and engineering work.
Cllr Daniel Lister, WNC’s Cabinet Member for economic development, town centre regeneration and growth, said: “Scrutiny on public spending is an important part of what we do, but we also need to be responsive to the needs of our residents.
"This framework means many of the checks have already been carried out so that red tape does not get in the way of essential improvements to public facilities and social housing.
"What’s pleasing is that a good percentage of any investment in public facilities through this framework will go back in to employing local people who will spend their wages at other business in West Northants."