A total of 4,786 secondary school places have been allocated to pupils across West Northamptonshire today.
This is the first year that places have been allocated specifically within West Northants, following on from local government reorganisation last year.
79.4 per cent of applicants – 3,798 children – have been allocated a place at their first preference – a slightly lower percentage than for the county as a whole last year (80.7 per cent in 2021).
95.8 per cent of applicants have been allocated one of their preferred schools – similar to the number of children getting a place at a preference school (95.7 per cent in 2021).
98.7 per cent of applications were made online (the same as in 2021).
Families who applied for their secondary school place online and within the deadline are able to check their offer on the council’s online Admissions Portal.
Cllr Fiona Baker, WNC’s Cabinet Member for children, families, and education, said: “The move to secondary school is a milestone in the lives of all our young people and the Council and I will be working hard to make sure they get the support and opportunities they deserve during the rest of their journey."
Any parent has the right to appeal (through the independent appeals process) against refusal of a place at any school for which they have applied.
The next round of secondary school place allocations (for late applicants) will take place in April.
Primary school allocations will be announced on April 19.
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