A new reserve for great crested newts has been created on farmland in West Northamptonshire under a scheme which addresses the impact of development on wildlife.
The Great Crested Newt District Licensing Scheme addresses the impact of development on wildlife and minimises cost and construction delays for developers.
The licence is held by West Northamptonshire Council (WNC), with Naturespace assessing the impact of developments on great crested newt aquatic and terrestrial habitats.
Developers then pay into a fund which is used to create or restore high quality habitats in strategic locations throughout West Northamptonshire, benefiting great crested newt.
Many other plants and animals also benefit, helping to stem the decline in freshwater wildlife.
WNC’s Cabinet Member for strategic planning, built environment and rural affairs Cllr Rebecca Breese, said after visiting the compensation in the summer "Nature has to be respected and protected, but people also need homes and places to work.
"This compensations site has been created by experts at the Newt Conservation Partnership, who create the very best habitat possible for great crested newts. The site has clean water ponds, and a high-quality terrestrial habitat packed with its own diversity. It’s a five-star resort for newts!
"A big part of this is the kind generosity of the landowner who made this site available and on behalf of everyone in West Northants, I thank her.
"This is a win for the biodiversity of West Northants and a win for anyone wanting to invest in homes and jobs."
The District Licence Scheme was first launched in the county by South Northamptonshire Council in partnership with NatureSpace in 2019 but was expanded to cover the whole of West Northants in 2021.