In Northamptonshire, around 60 people take their own life each year.
West Northamptonshire’s prevalence of suicide is statistically better than the England average, and similar to that of the East Midlands. North Northamptonshire’s prevalence of suicide is similar to the England and East Midlands average.
Suicide prevention is a priority for everyone, as each of those 60 deaths can potentially be prevented.
That is why local partners feel it especially appropriate to launch The Northamptonshire Suicide Prevention Strategy 2022-25 on Saturday 10 September, World Suicide Prevention Day.
The day’s theme is “Creating hope through action”, a message strongly believed in by the multi-agency Suicide Prevention Steering Group.
The Northamptonshire Suicide Prevention Strategy 2022-25 documents local partners’ approach to reducing suicide and self-harm across the county. It provides an update on the national and local picture on suicide and a review of the previous strategy.
It also sets out seven key priorities:
- Reduce the risk of suicide in key high-risk groups
- Tailor approaches to improve mental health in specific groups
- Reduce access to means of suicide
- Provide better information and support to those bereaved or affected by suicide
- Support the media in delivering sensitive approaches to suicide and suicidal behaviour
- Support research, data collection and monitoring
- Reduce the rates of self-harm as a key indicator of suicide risk
“It is great to see the final document with its clear action plan for each priority, with so many partners joining together in a common focus to ensure as many lives as possible can be saved. One life lost to suicide is one life too many.”Councillor Helen Harrison, Executive Member for Adults, Health and Wellbeing for North Northamptonshire Council
"We must address not only lives lost, but also, those left behind, so I am glad to see plans for further information and support to those bereaved or affected by suicide included.”Councillor Matt Golby, Portfolio Holder for Adult Care, Wellbeing and Health Integration for West Northamptonshire Council
The strategy, which will be reviewed annually to ensure continuous development links to other local plans and services including Health and Wellbeing services, the Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) Transformation Plan, Healthy Schools Programme, Rough Sleepers/Single Homeless Plan and Drug and Alcohol Services.
The multi-agency Suicide Prevention Steering Group will monitor the outcomes of the strategy and report these to the relevant committees and boards.
“Suicide is a tragedy not only for the person lost but particularly for those left behind. Northamptonshire Suicide Prevention Strategy 2022-25 provides an important focus on early intervention, preventing suicide and improving the lives of people with mental health problems in our county.Naomi Eisenstadt, Chair of the Northamptonshire Integrated Care Board
The strategy has been led by Suicide Prevention Steering Group and put together with the support of a wide range of partners and relevant organisations. There is a strong commitment to the Strategy and I know it will form a valuable part of the whole system approach, transforming services to improve public mental health and wellbeing in Northamptonshire.”