Hundreds of people taking part in the 100th Watermeadows parkrun in Towcester were waved-off by representatives from West Northamptonshire Council last weekend.
Hundreds of people taking part in the 100th Watermeadows parkrun in Towcester dressed up as superheroes and were waved-off by representatives from West Northamptonshire Council last weekend.
Supported by 337 volunteers, 2,911 finished runs have been recorded since the free parkrun was established at the Towcester Watermeadows in February 2019.
The parkrun is now taking place every Saturday at 9am.
The Watermeadows was purchased from the Easton Neston estate in 2009 by the local authority, opened for public use, and has since evolved from a grazing field into a busy and popular public open space.
Lorayne Macfarlane, Saturday’s Race Director said the addition of the footpath by the council last year brought more consistent numbers and made the run accessible to wheelchair users and those with children in prams.
She added: “The Watermeadows is a fantastic venue for a parkrun. parkrun is a great community event where many people are making new friendships and are enjoying being outdoors in such a beautiful environment. Whether you are volunteering, or taking part in the event itself, it is such a rewarding way to start your weekend!"
Last weekend’s runners were waved off by WNC’s Cabinet Member for economic development, town centre regeneration and growth, Cllr Daniel Lister, Mike Carter, the WNC officer overseeing the Watermeadows management plan, and Cllr Maggie Clubley, WNC’s ward member for Towcester and Roade (pictured left to right).
Cllr Lister said: “Towcester Watermeadows brought new life to a town centre once landlocked by a private estate and was the first step in the successful Moat Lane Regeneration by South Northamptonshire Council.
"Not only does this help town centre businesses by giving people yet more reasons to visit Towcester, but it is also providing those who do not wish to run alone with a vibrant and attractive choice.
"We saw people of every type on Saturday. There were casual runners there for some fun, those there to improve their times, some in prams, and plenty benefiting from the run’s Age Grading so they can fairly compare their results.
"I have little doubt that this park run and those like it are improving the health and quality of life for a significant number of people in West Northants."
For more information and directions, visit the WNC webpage on the Towcester Watermeadows.
Anyone who would like to take part can get more information from the Watermeadows parkun page.
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