A pilot scheme which helps landowners clear and prevent fly-tipping has been extended for another 12 months in West Northamptonshire.
When fly-tipping takes place on public land, the taxpayer pays for the removal and disposal of the waste. However, if a fly-tip occurs on private land, the landowner pays for the clean up and removal.
Last year the scheme was launched by Stephen Mold, the Police, Fire, and Crime Commissioner for Northamptonshire (PFCC) whereby private landowners could apply for a grant of up to £1,500 towards the cost of having the fly-tipped waste cleared away and to support them in establishing prevention measures which will make the land less vulnerable to fly-tippers in the future.
Cllr David Smith, WNC’s Cabinet Member for regulatory services, community safety and engagement, said: “West Northamptonshire is a beautiful district and it is very disappointing that some individuals decide to fly-tip their waste rather than dispose of it in a responsible and legal manner, quite rightly these individuals risk heavy fines and possible imprisonment when caught and prosecuted.
“I am very pleased indeed that the PFCC has been able to extend this pilot and help the farmers and landowners on the frontline of this important issue.”