West Northamptonshire Council's Cabinet will next week consider a land deal at Sixfields and further details will be published in the coming days.
Last Monday’s Full Council (21 February) was an opportunity for Cabinet to listen to and understand members concerns, most of which were overcome before this week’s special Cabinet meeting (28 February).
One or two issues remained, and Cabinet members felt it would be prudent to take the time to consider the bids received since the release of the council report.
The outstanding issues have also now been resolved and the latest bids are being considered. Full details will be published in a report, which will go to next Tuesday’s Cabinet meeting (8 March).
“We asked for a Full Council meeting to allow colleagues the chance to comment and ask questions.Cllr Malcolm Longley, Cabinet Member for Finance
“We listened with interest to the views of the public, club and members and, since then, we have given the issue further careful consideration and we believe we have now resolved any outstanding issues.
“There is no need to delay this any further, so we have agreed to bring a report to our Cabinet meeting on 8 March.”
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