Knife crime remains a Matter of Priority for Northamptonshire Police, and officers and staff from across the Force have been stepping up their activities to tackle and prevent knife crime.
To help raise awareness of the common misconceptions around carrying knives, members of the Northampton Neighbourhood Policing Team are visiting secondary schools in the town to deliver educational knife crime sessions.
On Friday, May 20 as part of the national week of action - Operation Sceptre, PCSO Craig Matthew and PCSO Laura Nowell visited Northampton School for Boys alongside PCSO Graham Suppiah from CIRV and the OPFCC Youth Team.
In this video Craig and Graham explain why it is important to bust the myths on knife crime and provide the next generation with the facts to enable them to make the right choices.
If you have any information or concerns about knife crime in your community, you can report non-emergency crime to 10, visit or contact Fearless anonymously at
Or if you have any concerns about someone you know carrying a knife, CIRV (Community Initiative for the Reduction of Violence) is a multi-agency partnership which supports children and young adults. For more information visit
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