Residents, businesses, organisations, and visitor attractions are being urged to have their say and help shape the future of Northamptonshire’s visitor and tourism sector.
A new survey, launched jointly by North Northamptonshire Council and West Northamptonshire Council, is inviting people to share their priorities and wish lists for the county’s visitor economy.
This survey, which touches on all the elements that attract visitors to Northamptonshire as well as the infrastructure and services that support the county’s tourism sector, has been designed to encourage people to share their views on everything from Northamptonshire’s public transport and public right of ways to the county’s accommodation and attractions, conferences and culture, food and drink sector.
Our two councils are looking at all the touchpoints that visitors to Northamptonshire see and enjoy. We will take these survey results, consider all the opportunities and develop a strategy that will ensure Northamptonshire can build on its successes and continue to be a great place to visit, live and work.Cllr Helen Howell, Deputy Leader and Executive Member for Sport, Leisure, Culture and Tourism at North Northamptonshire Council
We want as many people as possible to get involved and have their say, so whether you live here, work in or own a tourism business, or you simply have a wider interest in the economic development of our outstanding county please make sure you take part.
Through this survey we want to reach a better understanding of how we can best support our tourism sector and what stakeholders see as our core opportunities for Northamptonshire’s visitor economy. We want to hear what residents think makes our county a great place to visit, and how tourism impacts them.Cllr Daniel Lister, Cabinet Member for Economic Development, Town Centre Regeneration and Growth at West Northamptonshire Council
Your views regarding tourism in our diverse county are a very important part of the process and we encourage everyone to take part in this survey and let us know what makes Northamptonshire unique, and how we can encourage visitors to come and experience and enjoy the county.
As part of the research process local tourism leaders gathered at Chester House Estate this month for a Discover Northamptonshire event called ‘Shaping a new direction for the Northamptonshire visitor economy’. The results of this event, along with the survey findings and detailed one-to-one interviews, will help shape the new strategy – one that will outline short, medium and long-term plans and investment priorities for the county.
To complement and strengthen this fresh focus on the county’s visitor and tourism sector a new Discover Northamptonshire tourism hub is set to open its Rushden Lakes doors in March. Its fully interactive space will promote all things Northamptonshire and the surrounding areas, including days out, attractions, walks, town and village offerings, places to eat, sustainable transport, heritage, accommodation, and events. The space will also include a retail space that will promote small and local business and a flexible events and conferencing area.
This visitor economy strategy is due to presented in March, during English Tourism Week (17 – 26 March).
Please complete the Discover Northamptonshire before Friday 17 February.
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