Cabinet members at West Northamptonshire Council will consider alignment of fares for taxis across West Northamptonshire at their meeting next week.
Tariffs across Daventry, Northampton and South areas have not been raised for several years.
At their meeting on Tuesday, 13 September, Cabinet members will determine whether to support a proposal to increase taxi fares across West Northamptonshire.
Cllr David Smith, Cabinet Member for community safety and engagement, and regulatory services, said: “Many businesses and residents will have been impacted by the increasing cost of living, in particular the cost of fuel.
"As a Council, we have received requests from our local licensed drivers to consider an increase to fares.
"We are committed to working with both our businesses and residents to ensure that any such increases are balanced between responding to the increase in fuel prices while looking to minimise the impact on our residents."
The new proposals would create one tariff across West Northamptonshire. The tariff sets the maximum that licensed taxis can charge, however, each driver can determine if they’d like to charge less.
The new proposals aim to create one tariff across West Northamptonshire Council. To find out more about the proposed changes visit the Cabinet Agenda for 13 September.
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